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Detailed Information for "Lost In The Stars":

Lost In The Stars

Basic CD Information
Title:Lost In The Stars
Artist:St. Luke's Orchestra
Playing Time:72 minutes
Record Company Information
Record Label:MusicMasters
Catalog Number:67100
Release Date:n/a
Collection Information
Database addition date:1/28/2002
Price Paid:$0.00
MP3 Information
Archived in MP3:Yes
Quality:192 Kbps
Size:98.4 MB
Archive Volume:Broadway #33
Track Listing
1.The Hills of Ixopo (4:19)
2.Thousands of Miles (3:26)
3.Train to Johannesburg (3:30)
4.Little Tin God (1:32)
5.The Search (5:24)
6.intro: Little Gray House (1:02)
7.Little Gray House (4:53)
8.Who'll Buy (3:07)
9.Trouble Man (3:49)
10.Murder in Parkwold (1:28)
11.Fear (3:01)
12.Lost In The Stars (3:26)
13.Entr'acte (3:29)
14.The Wild Justice (4:11)
15.Soliloquy O Tixo, Tixo, Help Me (5:15)
16.Stay Well (5:08)
17.The Wild Justice (0:37)
18.Cry ,The Beloved Country (5:55)
19.Big Mole (2:10)
20.A Bird of Passage (2:47)
21.Four O'Clock (2:13)
22.Finale (0:58)

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