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Detailed Information for "Genius Of Andrew Lloyd Webber, The":

Genius Of Andrew Lloyd Webber, The

Basic CD Information
Title:Genius Of Andrew Lloyd Webber, The
Artist:The Orlando Pops Orchestra
Playing Time:39 minutes
Record Company Information
Record Label:Madacy Records
Catalog Number:7120
Release Date:6/3/1997
Collection Information
Database addition date:1/20/2002
Price Paid:$0.00
Track Listing
1.Phantom Overture [Instrumental] (2:19)
2.Take That Look off Your Face (2:49)
3.Another Suitcase in Another Hall (3:05)
4.Rainbow High (2:32)
5.Buenos Aires (5:34)
6.Heaven in Our Minds (4:36)
7.Everything's Alright (4:37)
8.John 19:41 [Instrumental] (2:50)
9.Aspects of Aspects [Instrumental] (4:06)
10.Too Much in Love to Care (4:25)
11.Pharoah's Story (3:00)

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