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Detailed Information for "Love, Janis":

Love, Janis

Basic CD Information
Title:Love, Janis
Artist:Janis Joplin
Playing Time:65 minutes
Record Company Information
Record Label:Sony
Catalog Number:85730
Release Date:5/8/2001
Collection Information
Database addition date:4/3/2004
Price Paid:$7.99
Online Status
MP3 Album ID:370f2717
Path:./Cast Recordings/Love, Janis
Track Listing
1.What Good Can Drinkin' Do (2:49)
2.(I Bring The News) (2:44)
3.Down On Me (2:05)
4.(I'm Somebody Important) (1:39)
5.Women Is Losers (2:03)
6.(Our First Record Is Finally Out) (1:11)
7.Piece Of My Heart (4:14)
8.(I'm Sorry,Sorry) (0:52)
9.(A Happening) (2:02)
10.Summertime (3:58)
11.(He's A Beatle, Mother) (1:35)
12.Ball And Chain (9:27)
13.(I May Be A Star Someday) (2:01)
14.A Woman Left Lonely (3:27)
15.(Twenty-Five) (1:30)
16.Try(just a little bit harder) (3:56)
17.(Did I Tell You About My Reviews?) (1:07)
18.Little Girl Blue) (3:48)
19.(Twenty-Seven) (2:19)
20.Me And Bobby McGee (4:29)
21.Mercedes Benz (2:13)
22.The Last Letter(Really Rushin' Through) (1:45)
23.Get It While You Can (3:23)

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